Saturday, March 29, 2008

what's mine is yours...

My nephews are the best. For anonymity, let's call them and T.two., the oldest, caters to his younger cousin. Because there are no other girls in the family, usually will help entertain her. Yes, she totally eats it up.

Last weekend this outdoors man uncovered a dragonfly hanging out near the pond. "Do you want to hold it?" he asked.

"NO!" Gooser replied emphatically.

If anyone can get the Goose to do something, it's

Several minutes of persuasion later, and...

...the Gooser held her first flying insect!

"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near!" Philippians 4:5

Thursday, March 13, 2008

beyond words...

Obviously, this is a photo of my 6th grader's report card, and I am the proud momma. Note that he has made A's every grading period all year for his first year of middle school, and earlier (not shown) he was named Student of the Quarter by his pod teachers. Words really cannot express how incredibly pleased I am because it hasn't always been easy.

What this document doesn't show you is that in K-4 he got so many frowny faces sent home that THAT was the first thing he ever drew. It doesn't show you that by K-5, he didn't fit "the mold" at the private school he was attending. And you can't possibly see the standardized test meltdown in 3rd grade, or the unaccepting adolescents who didn't want to be in his group in 2nd.

Then I finally understood. Asperger's. High-functioning Asperger's. It took having a student with this syndrome to see it in my own child. With this diagnosis I didn't get an automatic excuse or pass for his behavior, but what I did get are the tools I need to help him be successful academically as well as socially.

Over the last two years I have begun to see this vibrant flower begin to blossom. Gone is the question, "What did he do today?" Hello comments of, "He's so helpful," and, "I wish more students were like him." (big grin, misty eyes)

It was difficult to see beyond the frowny faces when I was up to my eyeballs in them. So here's hope and joy to anyone else who thinks they have no clue as a parent. Have faith, my friend! It can be done! He would never be as accomplished as he is without lots and lots and lots of prayer.

"But without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and the He rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

Monday, March 10, 2008

rescue me...

Isn’t he cute? Let me introduce you to Max, a three-month-old puppy left behind by his mother and sibling pups to brave the world alone. Several weeks ago he took up at the home of another teacher. A few emails and one home visit later and now my mom is the proud owner of this little bruiser of a dog.

He’s definitely going to be a project for her. I can tell that he will put the nature vs. nurture question to the test. If I were a betting person, my money would be on Mom. She certainly didn’t put up with any hoo-hah from me, so I can’t imagine she will take much from a fuzzy, four-legged critter. Even if he is as cute as a button.

“So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21

Saturday, March 8, 2008

thanks, Punxsutawney...

Leave it to a burrowing varmint to accurately predict the weather. (See the reflection of the snow-covered trampoline above and magnolia tree below.)

While scurrying to my large garbage can this morning, I heard a strange sound on the metal garage door. I knew it was cold out, but this is March. My mind raced as I scampered back in to my heated home, “Surely, it’s not…it can’t be,” I thought.

I quickly rounded the corner of the kitchen, headed into the dining room, and twisted open my faux wooden blind to unveil the identity of the noise. Sleet mixed with snow. “Kids, come ‘ere! Quickly!” I immediately shouted.

Ironically, as we all we viewed the outdoor performance, I heard Minnie Mouse singing a song about the warmth of spring on Playhouse Disney.

The winter white lasted less than an hour, melting as quickly as it fell. Only the cold remains.

“I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles.” Psalms 145:5

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Now that I'm part of Love Thursday, I feel compelled to find the heart shape in unusual places. Always up for a challenge, I just knew that every week I would uncover a unique heart. One in the most unusual of places, like crumbs on a plate or fizzled bubbles from a finished bath.

So far, no luck. But I do keep finding them in foliage and flora. I shall press on.

"This I command you, that you love one another." John 15:17

Monday, March 3, 2008

best shot Monday...

The Gooser would rather swing than eat. Since Sarah-Ji suggested I should embrace the blurred picture and Kate wanted pictures of children in their element, I knew this would be the photo for today.

There's nothing better than throwing your head back and feeling the cool air rush by as you sail to and fro again, and again, and again!

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens." Psalm 8:1

Sunday, March 2, 2008

missing blogger...

Where, oh where has this blogger gone?
Where, oh where can she be?

I thought I was home free. The worst of flu season had come and gone, and my house -Lysoled to the nth degree - had managed to stand firm against the evil virus.

Somehow, however, a nasty little sinus infection penetrated my defenses. By Thursday, I broke down and made the dreaded trip to the doctor’s office. (It was nice to learn that I had not been in three years…wish I could have gone four.)

It’s amazing what a few rounds of antibiotics, two thousand tissues, some serious sofa time, old sweats, and my favorite fuzzy purple socks (that match nothing) will do.

Hope all is well and germ free in your world today!

“Lord, you hear my every sigh.” Psalm 38:9