Monday, February 18, 2008

Best Shot Monday...

Nothing says "here comes spring" like bursting blossoms of pink set before a clear blue sky.

Are we there yet?

"The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air." Song of Solomon 2:12


Bonnie said...

Wow ! Those are really beautiful blossoms ! What sort of plant is that ?

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I really am looking forward to spring this year. We've had no signs that I've seen here in NJ... it'll probably be a while! But, today it was almost 70 degrees... so I have hope!

Lara said...

gorgeous. i'm left feeling so happy from all these BSMs with flowers! :)

d.girl said...

Bonnie, I think it is a flowering plum tree, but I'm not 100% sure.

70 degrees in NJ? Wow! I hope you were able to spend some time outside.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments!

Christina said...


Margie said...

It was so nice having you visit me, and your kind comment was most apprecited!
Thanks so much!

Gosh, I feel like spring is defintely in the air!
Beautiful post!
Thank you.

And, yes, you may use my poems!
Take care!


Maggie said...

That is a beautiful shot! And it sure does make it seem like spring is in the air...and not a minute to soon!

Carrington said...

What a beautiful picture! I hope it comes soon!