I’m not surprised. As her mom, I have usually been amused by her use of language. When she was a baby I had a student who taught me a few sign language words to teach her. One of those words was more. As she began to speak the word, it always came out sounding like mourn. For a long time, I said more with the “n” sound attached. I miss her mourn’s.
When she was two and whined the word, “Please,” I always reminded her that she had to say “please” nicely. She then began to whine, “Please nicely,” for everything. I miss her please-nicely’s.
Now, instead of saying either have or has, she has morphed the two words together into her own word: haves. Why didn’t someone else think of this? It cuts down the amount of words I need to know. She still says this one because I don’t “haves” the heart to correct her mistake. I would miss it.
But back to the note. As a parent there is such a fine line between an appropriate amount of discipline and discipline that breaks the spirit. Or is there? The teacher in me wants to jerk a knot in her because I know she knows better; however, the momma side of me knows that there has always been a need for verbal expression. But her excessive amount of words got her in trouble.
Not to worry. Before I could inflict any kind of punishment upon her, she decided to write a note, again using her words…and my spelling, to her teacher apologizing and pledging to do better. Then she promptly fell asleep. I wish she had thought about that during nap time.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
so beautiful, that letter is the cutest thing.
From Holly: Well done...and too funny!
From a Christian mom of 2, and a 30 year teaching veteran, all of your questions are the right ones. Your love is coming through. Wow, would I love to have a kid in your classroom! Viki
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