This is the first in a series of posts that will allow me to say thanks to my girl friends. It was this first friend, Lisa, who helped me realize that girl friends are important, even and most especially after we’re all grown up.
First Fabulous Friend: Lisa
We met at a club function. Was it thirteen years ago? Good grief! Both pregnant and due around the same time, we clicked instantly. But then Lisa pretty much clicks with everyone. I think the fact that our boys were born one day apart sealed the deal on our friendship. She was my best friend…and still is.
Now, a long distance separates us, and I don’t get to talk to her daily, weekly, or even monthly. My busy schedule right now also keeps me from calling and emailing like I should…like I want to. After all, she was the first one I called to tell that I was pregnant again. She was the first one I called to tell that I was getting a divorce. She was the one who offered to keep my baby girl for six weeks, so I didn’t have to put her immediately in day care. She was my earthly angel who helped me through some of my roughest times.
I have often wondered how things would be different for me, for her, and for our boys if they had gotten to stay. But that wasn’t meant to be. She has proven that she can still be my good friend from hundreds of miles away.
Hopefully, I’ll make it across the country to visit her in her beautiful oasis. Hopefully, our boys will continue to talk, email, and visit each other. Hopefully, I will make more time for phone calls and emails. Hopefully, one day we will live closer.
Until then, I’ll miss and love my friend, Lisa.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:12-13
What a sweet, sweet ode to our friendship! My eyes are filled with tears at your sweetness! I love you and miss you all the time! I love you just being you and I treasure our long and endearing friendship more than you'll ever know! You've made my day, friend!
Hey, Girlfriend. I am enjoying your friendship series. I know you know that you are blessed and you inspire me to be a better friend. I enjoyed your blog on Michelle and her kiddos. Did all of you go to Disney World in October after all? I want to hear all about it! Let's catch up soon.
Love and miss you!
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