I hope you weren't thinking that I was getting slack again with my posts. Truth be knownst, I have been up to my eyeballs in being-a-teacher work, being-a-student work and being-a-single-mommy work. Can I get a witness from the congregation?
My last two posts had a negative vibe to them, so...to stick with my positive mantra, I'm not going to dwell on those overwhelming things mentioned above. Today I just want to breathe the cool, fresh air of the first fall day, say goodbye to the sweltering days of summer, and welcome the upcoming beauty of autumn.
I also need to tell you two things. Thing One: I, hopefully, am going to begin a once-per-week series of posts starting next week. Until then the topic will be a surprise. (Yes, I already know the topic.) I've actually been thinking about doing this for a while, but I wasn't inspired to do it until today.
Thing Two: I'm posting here only once a week, but I am posting DAILY at www.photoblog.com/dgirl , and I would love to hear from you there as well. The link is also located in the Interesting Links section on the right side. The photo blog is for my masters class, which hopefully explains why I've been so busy. This blog is just for kicks, which is why it has been neglected for the last two weeks.
Okay, to end this less-than-entertaining post, I have to share with you the simple, yet powerful scripture that my pastor reminded me of last week:
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 Pray this for yourself and for our nation.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
did we forget...

The Gooser goes to gymnastics each Thursday after school, and then we immediately go to Arby's to celebrate what she learned. On the way I noticed a couple of flags at half mast, however several were not. I have to admit, I didn't even notice our flag at school today. Even though I don't have a window to see it, it never even occurred to me to think about our flag until I saw the others. Did we forget?
Remember the flag frenzy after 9/11? Everyone had flags on their bumpers, flags flying from their windows, flags were on every lawn and every corner. Not so much today. I've seen 3 in my neighborhood. Did we forget?
Should we point a finger toward any certain person or group of people for this? Or should we turn the finger around and point to ourselves as Americans? Have we forgotten how much we love our country? Or has our love become conditional?
"O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure." Psalm 7:9
Sunday, September 7, 2008
almost gone...
A five acre pond that holds so many of my fondest memories and moments is almost, well, I don't really want to say it again. The water used to be where the tall grass is growing now. Years of drought, a silt-heavy spring, and more users up the way have all depleted what used to be a favorite spot for many, especially me.
It's where I learned to swim, where I had fun with family and friends, and most importantly, where I came to clear my head. There was so much peace to be found in it and around it. It was like a friend to me, holding my deepest thoughts and dreams when I wouldn't trust them with anyone else.
My daughter even said just the other day, "Momma, I've never been fishing. When can I go?" She's five. The dam was running over the year she was born, and now it's almost, well...
I'm not sure who told me that when a loved one is in heaven, they don't know what is going on on earth because it would make that person sad. There is only joy in heaven, so I know that my dad, whom I've missed for over 18 years now, can't see that one of his favorite places is almost...
He had it built. A dam constructed from a spring that, as a long-time neighbor once said, "has never run dry." I wonder what Dad would say about it now. What would he do? Would it make him sick to his stomach, too, if he was still here?
I miss my dad. I miss the lake. I hope for joy, and rain, from heaven.
"The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing." Isaiah 51:3
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I’m not surprised. As her mom, I have usually been amused by her use of language. When she was a baby I had a student who taught me a few sign language words to teach her. One of those words was more. As she began to speak the word, it always came out sounding like mourn. For a long time, I said more with the “n” sound attached. I miss her mourn’s.
When she was two and whined the word, “Please,” I always reminded her that she had to say “please” nicely. She then began to whine, “Please nicely,” for everything. I miss her please-nicely’s.
Now, instead of saying either have or has, she has morphed the two words together into her own word: haves. Why didn’t someone else think of this? It cuts down the amount of words I need to know. She still says this one because I don’t “haves” the heart to correct her mistake. I would miss it.
But back to the note. As a parent there is such a fine line between an appropriate amount of discipline and discipline that breaks the spirit. Or is there? The teacher in me wants to jerk a knot in her because I know she knows better; however, the momma side of me knows that there has always been a need for verbal expression. But her excessive amount of words got her in trouble.
Not to worry. Before I could inflict any kind of punishment upon her, she decided to write a note, again using her words…and my spelling, to her teacher apologizing and pledging to do better. Then she promptly fell asleep. I wish she had thought about that during nap time.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
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